Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dictionary Fallacy

Dictionaries are a useful tool for learning the definition of words, but may not be enough to understand their meaning. Words that express strategies, philosophies or other big picture concerns require more than a few phrases.Using simple definitions in arguments makes for simplistic arguments.

In today's short attention world, it's easy to get caught in the trap of simplistic thinking, The brevity of expression required in social media can turn complex concepts into rhetoric such that words lose their meaning. Assumptions of meaning can make for misunderstanding and poor communication.

The current use of "liberal" and "conservative" in today's political environment is a prime example. Rather than delineating differing strategies of governing, these two terms have become identities that assume no middle ground, overlap or shared values. Sadly, win/lose arguments in governing mean everyone loses.

Relying on dictionaries for understanding complex ideas undermines finding resolution, whether in argument or problem solving. Taking the time to better understand ideologies and strategies requires work but is worth the effort.